Volunteer Policies

Please read through each section carefully. Any further questions please do not hesitate to reach out.



Holiday Explorers has a clear process for creating, approving, implementing and reviewing policies. Policy documents are created using a uniform template and gathered together in the relevant policy manual. 

 Management Collective’s Responsibility 

Management Collective is responsible for: 

  • Ensuring policies and procedures are in place and reviewed regularly.  
  • Ensuring that policy update records are accurate and retained for a minimum of 5 years. 
  • Assisting all Support Staff (SS) and volunteers to understand the Policies, and their contents, how they apply to HX and their legal obligation to keep confidential all particulars of the Policies.  
  • The Finance and Admin. Manager shall be appointed as the Policy Officer 
  • Policy Officer and Service Delivery Officer (SDM) to be responsible for ensuring that proper procedures for the development, consultation, acceptance, recording, implementation and review of every policy are designed and adhered to. 

Employees and Volunteers Responsibility  

Employees and Volunteers are responsible for: 

  • Understanding policies and procedures and completing and returning the appropriate paperwork to HX if required when a policy has been updated. 
  • Understanding the Policies, and all of their contents, how they apply to HX and their legal obligation to keep confidential all particulars of the Volunteers Manual. 
  • Update contents page of Volunteer Manual when updated policies received.  


Development of a new Policy 

When a need for a policy document is identified the relevant area will consult with appropriate staff, volunteers or verified resources. Consultation may take the form of informal conversations, formal meetings, workshops, emails or other documentation.  

 A draft policy should be circulated to interested parties for comment. Once feedback or comments considered, a final draft is to be prepared for approval by EO or Board as appropriate. The policy can be accepted, rejected, returned for amendment or assigned for revision. Once the policy is approved it is to be assigned a number and added to the contents page and Policy and Procedures Control Document.  

 All new policies should be circulated to relevant staff and volunteers and records kept of who has received a copy and how it was delivered. Certain policies deemed to be extremely important may require staff or volunteers to sign that they have received and understood the policy. A column on the contents page of the Volunteer Manual allows for SS to record any changes or reissued policies.  

Policy Review 

Every policy will all be reviewed on a periodic basis to ensure the policy is relevant to HX, and accurate in meeting best practice guidelines and changes in laws or regulations. The impact of technology should be assessed as well as any new risks or changes in staff or organisational structure. Any changes to procedures should be undertaken with consultation of appropriate staff and volunteers, and the overall impact must be carefully considered.  

It is the Policy Officer’s role to ensure that any policy reviews that are due are advised to the relevant area and followed up in a timely manner. Once action has been taken it should be updated on the  

Policy control document. A draft of the reviewed policy is then circulated for comments, amended and prepared for approval in the same way as a new policy. 

All updated policies should be circulated to relevant staff or volunteers and records kept of who has received a copy and how it was delivered. Certain policies deemed to be extremely important may require staff or volunteers to sign that they have received and understood the policy. 

 Policy format 

All Policy documents follow a standard policy template 

The format of the policy template shall include the following: 

  • Policy name 
  • Introduction 
  • Purpose 
  • Policy 
  • Responsibilities 
  • Procedures 
  • Related documents (if applicable 
  • Date approved 
  • Scheduled review date 
  • Authorised signature 


Holiday Explorers Position Statement

A duty of care is a legal obligation to avoid causing harm and arises where harm is ‘reasonably foreseeable’ if care is not taken. It requires everything ‘reasonably practicable’ to be done to protect the health and safety of others in the workplace.

In situations where one person owes another a duty of care, negligence is doing, or failing to do something that a reasonable person would, or would not, do and which causes another person damage, injury or loss as a result.

Duty of Care Statement

SS will accept duty of care for HX holiday group at the commencement of the holiday (usually when medication is handed over to SS) and duty of care for the group will continue until the Tourists leave the group at the conclusion of the holiday

People with disabilities are individuals who have the inherent right to respect for their human worth and dignity. They have the same rights as other members of society to realise their individual capacities for physical, social, emotional and intellectual development.

Determining when an injury is foreseeable

It is important the Support Staff (SS) know what risks are involved in participating in a particular activity.

It will be necessary for SS to know their legal duty to take care to protect their own and others’ health and safety by fulfilling their Work Health Safety responsibilities. It will also be necessary for SS to rely on common-sense in making assessments about the degree to which injury to a particular person in a particular situation is foreseeable.

SS have the assistance of HX On-Call support to ensure decisions and activities have been assessed as reasonable and permitted.

Responsibilities to safeguard others from injury

Holiday Explorers duty of care and responsibility for avoiding unreasonable risks of injury also extends to others, not just the Tourist who might be involved in risky behaviour. Holiday Explorers also owes a duty of care to other Tourists, SS and to members of the public who might be injured by actions of a Tourist or SS.

It is also the responsibility of the Tourists to exercise normal care towards themselves, other Tourists, SS and other members of the community.

It is only when the SS has reason to foresee that a particular Tourist is not likely to exercise this responsibility, and that someone is likely to be injured in the process, that SS has a duty of care to intervene and to do whatever is reasonable to ensure the safety of others. This could involve police action.

SS to be aware that their duty of care owed to Tourists should be discharged with sensitivity and consideration of the dignity of risk in decision making.

Duty of care and confidentiality

Tourists are entitled to have their confidentiality and privacy respected. However, it may be necessary to tell other people about confidential matters involving Tourists in order to protect either them or someone else from injury.

When this is the case, SS should always think of the onus as being on themselves to justify why this breach of confidentiality is necessary in order to avoid harm or injury that would have otherwise been reasonably foreseeable. We encourage SS to call HX On Call if such situations arise.

As with other aspects of duty of care, the issue is one of doing what is reasonable to avoid foreseeable harm or injury.

Duty of care and the support needs of Tourists

It is the responsibility of SS to read all information presented to them before the commencement of a holiday and to ask for clarification if the information presented to them is not clear or requires further explanation.

It is necessary for the Client Coordinators to obtain up-to-date information on the support needs of each Tourist before the commencement of a holiday.

Management’s Responsibility

Do whatever is necessary and is reasonable to ensure that Tourists or others associated with HX do not suffer foreseeable injury or harm in the provision of HX services.

Provide training in duty of care principles and Work Health Safety, and circulate resources relating to these subjects.

Volunteer’s Responsibility

It is the responsibility of all HX Volunteers to be aware of the policies & procedures of Holiday Explorers; to attend training in duty of care principles and Work Health Safety; and to ensure they read and understand resources relating to this subject.

Information contained in this policy has been derived from the book “Duty of Care: who’s responsible? – a guide for carers supporting people with disabilities” published in 1992 by Villamanta Legal Services.


Policy Statement

Holiday Explorers is committed to ensuring ongoing professional development of its Board members, staff and volunteers.


Holiday Explorers will induct and provide training for all newly appointed Board Members, staff and volunteers

Staff and Volunteers will be provided additional regular training during their engagement at Holiday Explorers. Some of this training will be contingent upon the regular performance appraisal process.

Holiday Explorers will facilitate the participation of staff, volunteers and Board Members in related educational opportunities provided by training and other community organisations.

The Executive Officer and/or a senior staff member delegate will be responsible for the coordination of training for staff and volunteers.


Introductory training

HX will offer appropriate introductory training and induction process for new volunteers, as per the Recruitment and Induction Policy (V.4).

Ongoing training and professional development

For Support Staff (SS): All SS shall be invited to participate in training and professional development sessions in topics determined by consultation with volunteers, industry sector requirements and training needs analysis. At least 3 training opportunities will be offered per year. If a volunteer does not attend training for a two year period, their engagement will be reviewed. As a minimum requirement, SS are strongly encouraged to attend at least one training session per year.

For other volunteers, training needs will be determined on a case by case basis.

In some cases participation in certain training will be a condition of continued volunteer work. This will include mandatory training (as per government requirements) such as Provide First Aid, and other relevant training identified for group and individual needs which may occasionally arise. These training sessions are intended to ensure a safe work environment and positive outcomes for Tourists and volunteers.

HX will set an annual training plan for all volunteers. This will identify all training required to meet service provision objectives.

HX will retain a copy of all current mandatory training certificates and note attendance as per volunteer HR records.

HX may outsource the provision of training or engage specialist trainers when appropriate to gain the most relevant and effective delivery possible.

For national recognised training and qualifications provided by a RTO, HX will ensure certificates are provided for participants.

HX will purchase relevant publications or equipment to assist professional development and training.



Holiday Explorers (HX) performance appraisal system is an important element in promoting a culture of continuous improvement and facilitating a rewarding work environment to achieve the Organisation’s vision and objectives.

HX is committed to encouraging positive working relationships. The performance appraisal process shall ensure effective communication between volunteers and supervising staff and that volunteers are consulted on matters affecting their work. The appraisal process provides the opportunity for feedback, address individual performance and development, and establish the volunteer’s future goals for their role/s with HX.


  • SS shall have an appraisal every 2 years or more frequently where required.
  • The appraisal shall be coordinated by the VC and conducted by either the VC or delegated staff or line manager.
  • The appraisal process will involve a meeting (face to face, video conference or over the phone) between the VC (or delegate) and volunteer; it will provide an opportunity for the volunteer to self-assess their own performance, and for written feedback to be compiled.
  • The appraisal meeting to be confirmed in writing at least one week prior to meeting date.
  • The volunteer will receive a copy of an Appraisal Form Part A with the meeting confirmation. (An example of an appraisal form in included in the Forms Section of the Volunteer Manual. This may be amended to suit the individual circumstance for the appraisal.)
  • The volunteer will complete Part A and bring to the meeting, where they will have an opportunity to expand on their responses. The completed form may also be returned to the VC or delegate) prior to the meeting.
  • The VC (or delegate) shall document the outcomes and agreed actions in Appraisal Form Part B. A copy of this document will be signed by the volunteer and staff person. A copy of Part B signed by both parties will be kept in the volunteers HR file and volunteer will keep a copy for their records. This document may be signed electronically by both parties.

The volunteer may request an advocate or another member of HX staff to attend the appraisal meeting with them (but not another SS). This may help the volunteer to articulate their thoughts and help identity actions, training needs and goals.

Any grievances arising from the appraisal shall be addressed as per the HX Complaints and Grievance Policy (V.5).

Volunteer Responsibility

Volunteers are responsible for:

  • Participating in the appraisal process and attending training about appraisals and continuous performance improvement.
  • Considering and identifying their performance, highlighting strengths to build upon and any areas that may need to be addressed which affect their work.
  • Engaging in the agreed actions and providing feedback as require


Position Statement 

Holiday Explorers is committed to providing safe and enjoyable holiday experiences for Tourists and valuable respite opportunities for Carers.  HX recognises the importance of providing Support Staff (SS) with up to date Brief Sheets and Health Needs documents containing the information required to ensure appropriate support is provided to the Tourist. 

HX recognises the need for the collection, use and management of Brief Sheets and Health Needs documentation to be respectful, sensitive, and specific to the service episode and in accordance with the Privacy and Confidentiality Policy.  

HX complies with the Code of Fair Information Practice (2001) and the Privacy Act 2010 and Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) 2012 and safeguards the sovereignty and wellbeing of Tourists with regard to the management of personal information held. 

HX management, employees and volunteers adhere to procedures ensuring that personal information pertaining to Tourists, families, carers and legal guardians is treated with respect and confidentiality.  HX management, employees and volunteers are bound by a duty of confidentiality regarding medical information relating to clients, employees or volunteers which includes their infectious status according to funding and legal requirements. 

BRIEF SHEET means a document outlining information provided by the Key Contact Person/s around the support requirements for the Tourist including medication, behaviour management and personal support etc. 


Prior to information being requested, individuals are advised of the purpose of the information sought and that the information received will be treated in the strictest confidence. 

The Brief Sheet is updated by Client Coordinators with the Tourist’s Key Contact 2-4 weeks prior to every holiday the Tourist attends. 

All documentation provided to SS is done with the instruction that this documentation shall be returned to HX at the completion of the holiday.  Only documentation relevant to the holiday is given to SS. As per HX privacy and confidentiality procedures.  


Support Staff 

  • Ensure all confidentiality measures are followed. Including not copying Brief Sheets, ensuring Brief Sheets are not left in vulnerable places and returning Brief sheets to HX office within two weeks of the end of the holiday.  
  • If Brief Sheets are emailed SS are to delete the email once read and printed including deleting the email from the ‘deleted folder’ 
  • Adhere to information and suggestions recorded on Tourist’s Brief Sheet. 
  • Inform HX Staff/On Call Assistance Staff if anything on the Brief Sheet differs from experience or Tourist presentation 
  • Provide feedback (where necessary) to Client Coordinators.  



Holiday Explorers (HX) employees and volunteers will show awareness of possible risks and act in a way that ensures as far as practicable the safety and wellbeing of Tourists when on holiday with HX.

Identified areas of consideration are;

  • First Aid
  • Tourist being separated from the group
  • Safety around water
  • Sun Safety
  • Hydration
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Epilepsy
  • Allergies
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Emergency Response
  • Hot Weather
  • Personal Hygiene/Care


First Aid

· First Aid is mandatory training for HX Support Staff Volunteers and relevant staff, and is provided at HX expense, unless required as a condition of employment. First Aid training is updated annually, and assessed competency is a prerequisite of the Volunteer Support Staff role.

Tourist being separated from the group

· On arrival at venues where crowds and activities may interfere with continuous visual supervision of the group, agree on a meeting point that all Tourists and SS clearly understand, as well as the reasons for having it. (Taking photos of Tourists at the beginning of the day may assist in locating them).

· In the event of a Tourist becoming separated from the group, keep the main group together and return to the previously agreed meeting point. One Support Staff should stay with the group and the other Support Staff should return to where the missing person was last seen and continue to search for the Tourist.

· If the Tourist is not located within 15 minutes contact HX office or On Call; Support Staff should not wait 15 minutes to contact HX office or On Call if they believe that the situation presents a higher risk of not locating the Tourist quickly.

· If the Tourist is not located within 30 mins police must be immediately notified. When the Tourist is located, both police and HX must be immediately notified.

· As a condition of travel, all Tourists agree to stay with the group. Where the tendency of a Tourist to wander is known, this risk is identified on the Brief Sheet.

· Tourists are not to be left at accommodation or activity venues on their own. Support Staff must know where all Tourists are at all times. If Tourists have a bedroom to themselves, Support Staff must ensure they remain within a short distance of the room and that Tourists know where to find Support Staff at all times.

· If for any reason the group needs to split, one Support Staff must be with each sub group.

NB; it is a Holiday Explorers directive for groups not to split. Groups can only separate with permission from Service Delivery Team or On Call, or under direction from emergency services.

Safety around water

· No Tourist is to enter water for the purposes of swimming or wading without the presence of a Support Staff who must maintain constant visual supervision.

· Tourists who have epilepsy can only enter water if accompanied by Support Staff who will maintain close physical presence and constant visual supervision; this applies to spas, plunge pools, water slides, and bathing in bathtubs.

· If details of a Tourist’s swimming competency or water safety skills cannot be provided this will be identified on the Brief Sheet as “not known”.

· Approved flotation vests must be worn during aquatic activities such as jet skiing, canoeing, or sailing, where a risk of capsizing exists

Sun Safety

· It is Support Staff Duty of Care to remind Tourists to wear a hat and regularly apply sunscreen, and to role model good sun safe behaviour. Itineraries advise Tourists to bring hats and sunscreen on trips; on some trips Tourists and Carers will be advised that Tourists must bring hats and sunscreen in order to join the holiday.

· Tourists are encouraged to apply their own sunscreen and Support Staff are to check for adequate cover.

· If Tourists do not provide their own sunscreen, Support Staff are to call On Call for permission to purchase same. Sunscreen belonging to other Tourists or Support Staff may not be shared in case of allergic reactions.

· Sunscreen should be applied to clean, dry skin, 20 minutes before exposure to the sun and reapplied every 2 hours.

· Care should be taken to avoid unnecessary exposure to solar radiation between 10am and 3pm; cloud cover does not prevent or reduce the serious effects of solar radiation.


· Support Staff should ask Tourists if they are thirsty; remind Tourists to drink water regularly; and ensure that water is available and offered at every meal time. As a guide to adequate water consumption you should not feel thirsty if adequately hydrated.

· Check that vehicles and rooms are well ventilated at all times and that Tourists are appropriately dressed at warmer parts of the day; any of these factors may contribute to dehydration.

Hot Weather

· In the event of predicted hot weather, SS notes and any revised updates in HX trip box will contain directions. Hot weather predictions may result in changes to scheduled activities or restrictions regarding locations/areas the group may visit.

· Information, updates, and any changes to activities resulting from hot weather and heat related conditions will be included in the trip box.

· During hot weather, it is advisable that SS plan activities accordingly.

· Ensure adequate water is available to Tourists, encourage and role .

· If outside, seek shade, particularly between the hours of 10am and 3pm.

· Discourage consumption of alcohol and caffeinated drinks, and remind Tourists to drink water.

· Encourage Tourists to wear weather appropriate clothing. Loose fitting clothing that covers skin to reduce exposure is best.

· Ensure Tourists are wearing sunscreen and reapply as per instructions.

· Signs of heat stress may include changes in temperament, nausea and changes in appearance including red, pale or severely dry skin.


· If Tourists suffer from asthma this will be identified on their brief sheets, as will any specific management issues. It is SS responsibility to ensure they understand the requirements of asthma management for the Tourist

· In the event of an asthma attack, first aid principles are followed; sit the Tourist up, be reassuring and calming, ensure adequate fresh air and provide whatever assistance needed for Tourist to self-administer medication. Do not leave Tourist alone

· If medication is not available, or has little or no benefit, call 000 for an ambulance.

· A severe asthma attack requires urgent medical attention, call 000 for an ambulance immediately.

· If an asthma First Aid kit is available, SS to provide assistance according to First Aid instructions.


· Information regarding diabetes management will be included on Tourists Brief Sheets as required; there may be food and beverage restrictions. It is SS responsibility to ensure they understand this information.

· Tourists on longer holidays may need assistance with blood sugar testing, this may need to be done by a suitably credentialled person if the Tourist is unable to do it themselves.


· Information regarding epilepsy management and support will be included on Tourists Brief Sheets as required. It is SS responsibility to ensure they understand this information

· Tourists who suffer from epilepsy, even if stabilised on medication may still experience seizure activity. NB: Seizure activity may not be the result of having epilepsy.

· First aid principles apply. During seizure activity, do not try to restrain the person, do not put anything in their mouth, protect the person from obvious injury and place something soft under head and shoulders.

· After the seizure, place the person on their side (in the recovery position) as soon as possible to keep airways open, manage any injuries sustained during seizure, if the person falls asleep do not disturb. Be mindful that some seizures may result in the person losing control of bodily functions.

· Record the time of seizure and time when recovered. Record also the length of seizure and length of recovery period.

· First aid principles state that an ambulance is to be called if a seizure continues for 5 minutes or if followed by another seizure. This information may vary between Tourists. Follow the information on the Tourists Brief Sheet

· Tourists with epilepsy need visual supervision in the shower and bath, and must never be left unattended in a bath, refer also to safety in water information.


· Tourists with known allergic reactions will have support and management needs identified on Brief Sheets; it is SS responsibility to ensure they understand these requirements


· Tourists and SS who smoke must adhere to regulations regarding permissable smoking zones, and be mindful of the proper disposal of their debris.

· Smoking should occur “down wind” of the group to minimise the effect of smell and smoke on the others.

· SS are not to smoke in the presence of Tourists.

Alcohol Consumption

· Tourists who drink alcohol usually have guidelines for social drinking indicated on their Brief Sheets. One or two standard drinks with a meal is acceptable for most Tourists.

· A Tourist must not to consume alcohol if this restriction is recorded on the Brief Sheet.

· Tourists must not be subject to coercion to consume alcohol from fellow Tourists or SS.

· SS will model appropriate behaviours and attitudes about substance use (ie zero blood alcohol requirement when engaged as SS).

· SS are not permitted to drink alcohol while supporting Tourists on HX holidays.

· At meal times ensure that water is freely available on the table.

Emergency Response

· SS to keep themselves safe (First Aid Principles)

· SS have Duty of Care to keep HX group together and safe unless directed by HX or emergency services to do otherwise.

· Group is to stay in arear as identified by itinerary, unless directed by HX or emergency services to do otherwise

· In an emergency situation contact HX On Call as soon as practicable. SS should keep mobile phone close to hand and stay near land line phone if possible.

· If unable to contact HX On Call, keep trying while seeking alternate means of contact, eg 2 way radio, satellite phone, text, fax, email.

· Carers may be contacted to advise that group is safe.

· If practicable, document important information, time of last signpost, times of medication, time when Tourist became ill etc.

Personal Hygiene/Care

· SS are not responsible for personal hygiene or care duties for Tourists, beyond supervision and prompting, unless otherwise instructed and appropriately briefed.

· In the event that a Tourist is unable to manage personal hygiene tasks independently Call HX On-Call in the first instance for advice.

Management collectives responsibility

· To ensure that best practice is maintained in all matters relevant to tourist’s safety while they are in the care of HX.

· To ensure review of policy to embrace Disability Standards and NDIS Rules (2018) as well as current development and values in the Disability Sector.

Employees and Volunteers Responsibility

· All have a responsibility to adhere to policy and procedures with regard to Tourist safety.

· All have a responsibility to identify hazards that arise around safety issues in accord with HX Work Health Safety Policy.

· To attend First Aid Training and ensure that qualifications are current.

· To attend Safe Environments training or similar and ensure that qualifications are current.

· To attend HX internal training such as(but not limited to) Emergency Response Training, Manual Handling Training, Information sessions regarding Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy, in accordance with HX Training Policy.



Holiday Explorers (HX) is committed to the care of Tourists on holiday and the protection of staff and volunteers. The following procedure has been established for the management of medication to promote Tourist independence and safety.

Relevant Legislation

  • Direct Health Support of People with a Disability Policy – Department for Communities and Social Inclusion 22nd March 2016
  • Work Health and Safety Act 2012
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1992
  • Funding Provider Service Standards

All Tourists must present to their holiday with the skills to self-administer their medication and any treatments unless HX has been advised prior to the holiday as per the Tourist Medication Policy.


Before the Holiday

Before each holiday the Client Coordinator (CC) will provide to Support Staff (SS) a Brief Sheet for each Tourist. If a Tourist requires medication during the trip, the Brief Sheet will provide information about the type of packaging which will be presented to SS at the start of the holiday, the time(s) of administration, and any special instructions for self administration. This information is provided by the Tourist’s Key Contact Person approximately 2 weeks before each trip.

PRN (as needed) medication will also be listed on the Brief Sheet, stating type of medication, and any special instructions regarding self administration.

It is the responsibility of SS to carefully read and understand Brief Sheets. If SS are unsure about medication instructions, or any other information contained on the Brief Sheets, they must call the HX office BEFORE the start of the trip to seek clarification.

Holiday Departure

At holiday departure, both SS are responsible for receiving all medication from each Tourist and their carer. The Tourist and accompanying carer must be present to complete the medication checking process. SS are required to check the medication provided is consistent with information recorded on the Brief Sheet.

All medication, excluding emergency PRN medication, must be handed to SS at holiday departure. Emergency PRN medication is to be carried by Tourist as stated on Brief Sheets.

A Medication Form for each Tourist who requires medication including PRN during the holiday must be completed by both SS to record medication presented at holiday departure.

A. If Medication is not provided in approved packaging

Medication not provided in approved packaging cannot be accepted.

SS must call HX On-Call who will then advise the Emergency Contact (EC) and Tourist that the Tourist will be unable to attend the holiday if the medication is essential for Tourist’s wellbeing.

If HX On-Call is not available prior to holiday departure then SS are to advise the EC and Tourist that the Tourist will be unable to attend the holiday and continue to call HX On-Call.

B. If Medication is provided in approved packaging but does not match Brief Sheet

The Tourist and their carer may provide medication which is different to Brief Sheet instructions e.g. time of administration or not enough medication to cover the duration of the holiday. If medication is provided in approved packaging and Tourist Emergency Contact authorises that medication provided is correct, the Tourist may depart on their holiday. SS must contact HX On-Call prior to departure of holiday.

In both circumstances A and B: If the Tourist Emergency Contact or HX On-Call is unavailable to confirm changes to Tourist medication, the Tourist will be unable to proceed with the holiday and will be required to return to their place of residence at their own cost.

C. Storage of Medication

All medication (except PRN for asthma, severe allergic reaction and other stated emergency response medication) will be stored in a locked bag for the duration of the holiday, unless specific directions are provided on the Brief Sheet. If a Tourist has medication with special storage requirements e.g. refrigeration, this information will be recorded on Brief Sheet.

D. SS Medication

SS own medication must be stored within the locked medication bag for the duration of the trip. If SS have specific needs that do not allow for their medication to be stored within the locked bag, they must notify HX before the trip departs.

During the Holiday

Supervision of medication self administration

When handing over medication to a Tourist it is essential that both SS are present to supervise in determining:

  • Is this the correct person? Check full name and DOB.
  • Is this their correct medication package?
  • Is this the correct time for this medication to be taken by this person?
  • Has the Tourist taken or applied their medication?

The SS provide the Tourist access to their medication at the time specified on the medication packaging and supervise as the Tourist opens, removes and self-administers their medication.

SS must record the number of medication items (or type if not tablet form) self-administered by the Tourist on a HX Medication Form as well as the date and time medication was self administered. Both SS must sign each entry on the medication form at the time the medication is taken.

SS must check in with On Call at the end of the night when medication has been completed for the day.

What support can SS provide?

SS can prompt and support a Tourist to ensure that they self-administer medication correctly including; physical support e.g. holding the approved medication packaging whilst Tourist opens and removes medication, or pointing to correct section of packaging.

SS can also provide verbal prompting e.g. “today is Tuesday, it is breakfast time, that is the breakfast time slot, now use your finger to push gently on the back of the Webster pack, etc.”

SS can encourage the Tourist to remove medication from packaging over a table or other stable surface to minimise the chance of Tourist dropping or losing medication. Both SS must ensure that all medication is removed from the packaging and supervise as the Tourist takes all their medication.

SS must not touch Tourist medication contained within packaging, and must not open packaging at any stage during the holiday. If medication is dropped, encourage the tourist to pick it up or wear protective gloves and place the dropped medication in the spare canister which is in the medication bag. If medication has fallen on the floor SS must contact HX On-call for further instructions.

If during the holiday, SS believe that the Tourist is not able to accurately and safely self-administer their medication, SS must notify HX On-Call immediately. HX will contact the Tourist’s Emergency Contact who will be required to either arrange an appropriately trained person to administer medication for the remainder of the holiday, or retrieve the Tourist.

If a Tourist has been unable to self administer their medication at the time specified on packaging and HX On-Call or Tourist Emergency Contact are unavailable, the Tourist must be accompanied to a Hospital or Health Centre for medication to be administered, or an ambulance called.

End of the Holiday

SS complete the details on the Medication Form i.e. was any medication returned to the Tourist / Carer, to whom the empty packaging or remaining medication was returned.

SS must give medication and/or empty packaging, back to the carer at the end of the holiday, medication or empty packaging must not be packed into the Tourist’s suitcase.

Exceptions to this are; if a Tourist is going home via taxi, bus, or plane, SS must place medication in the Tourist’s suitcase after the group has returned to HX or other return point. If a Tourist is being met by HX Meet and Greet, SS to hand medication to the Meet and Greet SS for them to place in suitcase an appropriate time.

Return all the medication forms and any incident forms to HX at the end of each trip with the other paperwork. Please ensure that medication forms have been signed by both SS.

Types of Approved Packaging

All medication must be clearly labelled with a pharmacist label stating the Tourist name, type and dosage of medication as well as any special instructions regarding the time or how medication is to be taken.

Oral Administration: All oral medication (including single doses of medication) must be presented in either a Webster Pack, Medico Pack, MediSache or other pre-approved pharmacist prepared container. This includes prescription and non-prescription; capsules, caplets, tablets, dissolvable tablets and medication administered through cheek or under the tongue. Medication will not be accepted if it is provided in a Dosette box.

Liquid Oral Administration: Must be provided in individual dosed vials or multi dose pharmacist labelled bottle of liquid medication, as long as the Tourist can independently pour and measure. This includes prescription and non-prescription medication provided in liquid form or in powder that is required to be mixed with liquid.

Powder and Other Sachet: Powder and other sachet forms of prescription and non-prescription medication may be provided in original packaging with pharmacist label. Tourist must be able to open and prepare medication independently.

Inhalants: Any medication administered by measured dose inhalants, either with or without the use of a spacer must be provided in original packaging with pharmacist label.

Topical: Any prescription or non-prescription medication applied to the body surfaces including via the skin, mouth, throat, eyes, ears, nose, vagina or anus must be provided in original packaging, with pharmacist label.

Contraceptive Pill: Contraceptive medication which is packaged in either 21-day or 28-day ED (everyday) packs can be provided in blister pack inside original medication container with pharmacist label.

Short Course Treatments

If the Tourist is prescribed a short course medication by their doctor less than 48 hours prior to holiday departure, the medication can only be accepted on holiday if the Key Contact has gained approval from HX office or HX On-Call.

Any new or short course medication must be accompanied by a letter from the prescribing doctor stating that the Tourist is not contagious and is fit to travel. This letter and approval MUST be approved by the HX office BEFORE the day of travel.

Short Course Medication must be provided in original packaging with pharmacist label or pharmacist packed containers, identifying Tourist’s name, medication type, dosage and specific instructions for use.

PRN Medication

PRN (as needed) medication for a specific medical issue will be recorded on Tourist Brief Sheet, including type of medication required, instructions for use and who will be required to hold medication during the holiday e.g. Tourist or SS. If a Tourist is to hold PRN medication for the duration of the holiday, they must also show it to SS at holiday departure and show where they will keep the medication.

Approved packaging for PRN medication are pharmacist packed containers, or original packaging with pharmacist label stating Tourist’s name, medication type, dosage and instructions for use.

If a Tourist requires PRN medication for severe allergic reaction or other emergency response (as stated on Brief Sheet) they are able to self administer this medication as required. SS must record this on Medication Form and notify HX On-Call as soon as possible. (Note: emergency medication, such as Epi Pens, may be administered by SS with current First Aid qualifications.)

Tourists who require PRN for asthma or severe allergic reaction MUST bring this for every holiday. If Tourist does not bring these medications to the trip departure, they will be unable to go on the holiday and will need to return home at their own cost. SS to notify Tourist Emergency Contact that Tourist is unable to proceed on their holiday and notify HX On-Call as soon as possible.

If any other (non emergency) PRN medication is required during the holiday, SS need to contact HX On-Call, to gain approval before the medication is self-administered by the Tourist, and must contact On Call each subsequent time a request for PRN medication is made by the Tourist.

Recording Medication Incidents

All medication incidents, including but not limited to, Tourist providing incorrect or different medication, Tourist providing medication in incorrect packaging, Tourist failure to take medication or Tourist inability to self-administer medication, must be recorded as an incident using the HX Injury and Incident Notification Report.

All SS on the holiday, including SS in training on observation trips, must complete in full their own Injury and Incident Notification Form for each medication incident which occurs during the holiday.

These forms must be returned to HX with Tourist Brief Sheets and other holiday notes within two weeks of the holiday finishing.

Tourists Requiring Medication Administration Support

Where a Tourist, carer or HX has identified that self-administration of medication is not safe, appropriately qualified SS or external providers of support will be arranged prior to the holiday. This will be detailed in the Tourist’s Brief Sheet and personnel responsible will be noted in SS notes and briefed accordingly.

Management Collective’s Responsibility

The Management Collective is responsible for:

  • Ensuring Medication Policy and Procedure are in place and reviewed regularly
  • Accountability in ensuring records are kept of medication taken by Tourists
  • Ensuring all HX staff and SS are regularly trained in medication procedures
  • Ensuring HX staff provide briefing information prior to undertaking a holiday and provide updated information on medication to be self administered on the Tourist’s Brief Sheet

Employees and Volunteers Responsibility

Employees and Volunteers are responsible for:

  • Understanding the Medication Policy
  • Ensuring accurate records are kept of Tourist’s medication
  • Participating in briefing sessions and/or reading briefing materials prior to undertaking a holiday and understanding information on medication to be administered by the Tourists
  • Contacting the Service Delivery Team if unsure about Tourist details or if they require further information on how to best assist with self administration of medication for any Tourist on the holiday
  • Attending training in medication procedures

Failure to Comply with Policy

If SS do not fulfil their responsibilities under this medication procedure it may affect their volunteering with HX.

If the Tourist, their Key Contact Person/Emergency Contact do not fulfil their responsibilities under this medication policy it may affect the Tourists ability to travel with HX and membership eligibility.



The Management of Holiday Explorers (HX) is committed to ensuring that all employees and volunteers are safe from injuries and risks to health and welfare whilst engaged by Holiday Explorers. Holiday Explorers has a policy of “minimum lift” to reduce the incidence of workplace injury and injury to Tourists. All manual handling tasks are monitored and made safe.

This policy is to be read in conjunction with the Work, Health and Safety Policy.


Manual Handling is any activity that requires force being made by a person lifting, lowering, pushing, carrying, moving, holding or restraining a person, animal or object.

Management Collective’s Responsibility

The Management Collective is responsible for:

  • Ensuring a manual handling policy is in place, reviewed regularly and appropriate resources are available.
  • Ensuring that manual handling practices are identified, assessed for risk and controlled.
  • Developing and implementing safe manual handling practices.
  • Supervision of these safe work practices to ensure that these practices do not cause further risk to the employees or volunteers.
  • Providing suitable manual handling equipment.
  • Analysing all incident and injuries related to manual handling to ensure controls are put in place.
  • Ensuring all staff and volunteers are trained in safe manual handling practices.

Employees and Volunteers Responsibility

Employees and Volunteers are responsible for:

  • Being proactive and identifying any potential hazards and informing the staff responsible for that area as soon as possible.
  • Working safely and protecting their own and others’ health.
  • Following reasonable manual handling instructions and safe work practices.
  • Using equipment provided for safe manual handling.
  • Being aware that SS will be in breach of responsibilities defined in the Holiday Explorer’s WHS Policy if they attempt any manual handling task that exceeds the limits of this policy.
  • Reporting and recording all manual handling incidents to management of HX
  • Attending training in safe manual handling techniques.
  • All SS and staff to complete manual handling training. SS and staff engaged to provide manual handling support for tourists or part of their role are to undertake manual handling updates every 3 years.
  • HX staff identify and assess the risks of all practical and anticipated manual handling tasks that staff and volunteers may be exposed to.
  • Eliminate or control manual handling risks in consultation with staff, volunteers, tourists and carers. Any know manual handling requirements and instructions will be recorded on the Tourists Brief Sheet.
  • At least 1 SS must have current manual handling training where manual handling support will be required on a trip.
  • SS have the same responsibility to identify and assess possible risks that may arise in the practice of supporting Tourists on holiday.
  • If a manual handling situation arises that exceeds the limits of this policy, volunteers are required to contact HX On-Call staff immediately to explore alternative options for assistance, ie, Ambulance, Police, Emergency Services, depending on the situation.
  • Evaluate Injury and Incident Notifications from holidays and review all incidents to amend and to implement strategies to minimise occurrence.
  • Tourists with high physical support needs require a manual handling need assessment and specifically trained SS to be engaged to perform any lifting required, as specified in their Individual Assistance Plan. Relevant information will be included on the Tourists Brief Sheet and instructions regarding staff responsibilities detailed in the SS notes. SS are not to provide manual handling for supporting tourists if not specifically engaged to do so.
  • Support Staff must never attempt a manual handling situation that they have not been trained to do, or assessed as competent to do. This particularly applies to lifting people who cannot weight bear and physically support themselves.
  • HX will supply appropriate equipment as required and training for its correct use. If SS have not been trained in the use of equipment they must not use it.
  • HX SS volunteers work in a manual handling environment involving personal care and mobility aids, wheelchairs, shower chairs, luggage, tour equipment and activities;, and appropriate manual handling procedures must be used in all situations. 



Holiday Explorers (HX) has a commitment to provide a healthy and safe working environment for staff and volunteers. This commitment extends to clients, visitors and other associated parties involved with HX provision of services. This policy requires that procedures are in place to prevent infections from being passed from one person to another.

The Infection Control Policy is based on the key principles of hygiene, cleanliness and sterility. It includes implementation of Standard and Additional Precautions with work health and safety considerations in environmental and equipment cleaning, linen handling and waste disposal.


Personal Hygiene

The most important and effective infection control strategy is to keep hands germ free. It is essential that Support Staff (SS) keep their hands clean and require Tourists to do the same.

Work practices that will help reduce the spread of infection include:

Washing hands

  • Before and after attending to Tourists’ personal needs
  • After any contact with blood, urine or faeces
  • Before and after using gloves
  • Before and after eating or drinking

Washing hands well using soap (at least 10 seconds) under warm running water. Ensuring gloves are readily available for staff in all client care areas.

  • Wearing gloves if there is a risk of handling blood or body fluids. Wearing gloves does not replace the need for hand washing as gloves may have defects or may become damaged during use. Hands must be washed before and after using gloves.
  • Protecting broken skin. Always cover all cuts or scratches on hands as infections can develop in these areas. People with open wounds on hands must not perform duties involving contact with blood.

Clients with Infectious Diseases

SS providing care support for clients should immediately report and document possible symptoms of infectious disease.

Included in the tourists Brief Sheets are ‘Health Care Plans’ developed for Tourists who holiday with symptoms of infectious diseases to ensure they are given appropriate care and that the likelihood of passing the infection to others is minimised. Standard and Additional Precautions will be included in this plan. Information relating to such plans is to be provided by the Tourist’s carer/s for the Client Coordinator (CC) to include in the Tourist’s Brief Sheet.

Any Tourist presenting at the start of a holiday with signs of sickness or infection may not be able to proceed. SS to call HX On-Call for further advice.

If a Tourist or SS becomes ill on the holiday SS to call HX On-Call for advice.

Staff & Volunteers with Infectious Diseases

While many infectious diseases are not serious, e.g. the common cold, others may cause serious health problems for clients and staff. The risk of transmitting an infectious disease to other people in the workplace depends upon:

  • The type of disease and the way it is spread: and
  • The type of duties the employee / volunteer undertakes while at work.

An employee / volunteer who has an infectious disease should ask their doctor about the tasks they should/should not perform while at work during the infectious period.


During “flu season” HX will provide a flu kit for all trips to help minimise the transmission of germs.

Confidentiality and Discrimination

HX management, employees and volunteers are bound by a duty of confidentiality regarding medical information relating to clients, employees or volunteers which includes their infectious status. Therefore HX will ensure that:

  • Volunteer records (including sick leave requests and superannuation records) are kept secure and are only available to authorised staff;
  • Client records (including infectious status if any) are kept secure and are only available to authorised staff;
  • Where the right to client confidentiality is waived, it is done in writing under conditions of informed consent;
  • Procedures, including disciplinary measures, will be followed in cases where confidentiality is breached;
  • Employees, volunteers or clients infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or Hepatitis A, B or C virus are not discriminated against in terms of their employment conditions, volunteering conditions or provision of services.

Cleaning and Disinfection Procedures

Environmental Cleaning

It is important to maintain good hygiene in all holiday living and working areas. Special attention should be paid to food preparation, bathroom and toilet areas.

It is the responsibility of SS to immediately clean up any spills or soiling by bodily substances

  • Cleaning: Cleaning is the removal of organic material or dirt from surfaces and is done to remove rather than kill germs. The number of times a particular area or equipment item will need to be cleaned each holiday will depend on its use and what is provided by the holiday accommodation.
  • Cleaning agents: Neutral detergent should be used where possible. Disinfectants should not be used for routine cleaning procedures. HX will provide cleaning products in all vehicles and for trips identified as needing additional items and in line with WHS chemical storage and provision.

Use of disinfectants: To ensure the correct use of disinfectants:

Clean the area with a detergent before attempting to disinfect.

§ All disinfectant containers should be dated when opened. Any containers not dated should be thrown away.

§ All disinfectants should be used and discarded according to manufacturers’ recommendations.

§ Disinfectants should be stored and used from their original containers and should not be topped up from any other container. Reusable containers should be washed and dried prior to refilling.

§ Disinfectants should only be used in recommended concentrations and for their intended purpose.

§ Do not mix different disinfectants together or add detergent to them.